Doing the Running Man


RunningIt has taken a lot of training but as of now, I consider myself a runner. I run for fun. I run for competition. I run for health. I am a running (wo)man. Here’s a look back on my journey and just why running is so important to me these days.

On March 20, 2012 I went for my very first postpartum run. Pink and Purple were just short of 4 months old. I was on restricted activity for 8 weeks pregnant and 8 weeks postpartum so finally getting moving was HARD. I started with the couch to 5k program. I made it to week 2, day 1.

We soon got a double jogging stroller so again, I was determined to get out and run while Orange was still at daycare all day (before we switched her to preschool through the school district). So on June 12, 2012 I set out yet again to be a runner. I decided to “do my own thing” this time. I ran 3 times.

Around August I began running here and there just when I needed a break. We got a single jogging stroller and started running together as a family. Running was morphing for me. I started running because I wanted to lose that last pesky 10 lbs but I soon learned that after running, I felt happy. My mind was clear. My mood was good. I had energy to do what I needed to. In August I saw a therapist for postpartum depression and started running to heal and recover. It was a hard transition.

The first two attempts to “train for a 5k” were about the calories. And when I realized the pounds weren’t coming off, I gave up. I didn’t give myself a fair chance.

Finally on April 8, 2013 I set my mind to running the Susan G Komen Race for a Cure here in my hometown. I’ve walked this race three times before as my mom is a breast cancer survivor. This time I had a goal, an end game in sight. This time I was running for my adrenal health, for my insomnia, for my future.

Even though I was able to run a little more, I started back at the beginning. The first several weeks were somewhat easy and it was hard to not want to quit again. I needed and wanted a challenge! Then I reached week 3 for the first time. Then week 4. Then week 5. And I kept going. I took breaks, sure. It took me 10 weeks instead of 8 to finish. I’m not perfect. My pace is rather horrible. But it is me. ME running. Me, the former fat girl.

My husband has been training with me and ran his first 5k with me. He’s had workout asthma his whole life but now with healthy eating, he ran the full 5k without using an inhaler, without wheezing.

Running has changed our family.

The above ad is an affiliate link to Road ID, a product I use personally and give my seal of approval. By purchasing a product via my link, you help support our family. We thank you.

12 responses »

  1. This is definitely a motivation post for me. Although, my foot is just not ready for running. I tried it, oh, 2 months ago, and I regreted it for 2 weeks because my foot and ankle ached SO bad! So now Im just giving it some time… if I do it too soon, I think the pain will just defer me longer, so I am ok with waiting and causally working into it. Ya know, maybe running around the block and then walking the block and running again for maybe 2 weeks or so? Idk. I know around the block doesnt seem like much, but this recovery from foot surgery takes some time! You have to start somewhere right?

    • I think you would really benefit from the c25k program. The first week is running 60 second intervals (run 60, walk 90, repeat for 20 min). I repeated a few weeks several times. It’s about personal accomplishments, not being the fastest or best 🙂 The app I use (iPhone) is Trend Labs c25k for Pink. And it’s free 🙂

      • Oh thats a good idea! I do have an app for c25k on my iphone… Im not sure its the same one…. but it says c25k free and then in the right corner of the icon it has a pink ribbon??? Maybe I will give that a try. Thanks for the reccomendation!!!

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